Survival Skills

Top 5 Survival Books Every Prepper Should Read

Equipping Your Mind: Essential Reads for the Prepared Survivalist

As an experienced prepper, one quickly learns the importance of knowledge acquisition. In a world where modern conveniences could disappear in a blink, understanding the basics of survival becomes paramount. While hands-on experience is irreplaceable, there are several books that offer invaluable information and techniques to ensure you’re well-prepared for any situation. Below are the top five survival books that every prepper, from beginner to intermediate, should have in their library.

“SAS Survival Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Anywhere” by John ‘Lofty’ Wiseman

  • Written by a former survival instructor for Britain’s elite Special Air Service (SAS), this book is a comprehensive guide that covers everything from basic campcraft and navigation to strategies for coping with any type of disaster. The book is detailed with easy-to-understand illustrations, making it suitable for beginners while also being thorough enough for intermediate preppers. Topics such as foraging, building shelters, and first-aid are covered meticulously, making it a must-have reference.

“The Survival Medicine Handbook: A Guide for When Help is NOT on the Way” by Joseph Alton M.D. and Amy Alton A.R.N.P.

  • Medical issues can quickly become a major threat in survival situations, especially when professional medical help is unavailable. This book addresses this challenge head-on, guiding you through various scenarios where you might need to be the medic. The Altons, both medical professionals, cover topics ranging from trauma care and infections to natural remedies using available resources. This book fills a critical niche in a prepper’s education.

“Edible Wild Plants: A North American Field Guide to Over 200 Natural Foods” by Thomas Elias and Peter Dykeman

  • Foraging is an essential skill when food resources become scarce. Knowing which plants are safe to eat and which ones to avoid could mean the difference between life and death. With detailed descriptions, this book offers clear illustrations and important information on how to identify, harvest, and prepare over 200 edible plants found in North America. This is a priceless tool for anyone wanting to rely on the environment for sustenance.

“Bushcraft 101: A Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival” by Dave Canterbury

  • Bushcraft is more than just survival; it’s an art. Dave Canterbury, a renowned wilderness expert, breaks down the art of bushcraft into easily digestible sections. The book touches on the “5 C’s of Survivability” (cutting tools, covering, combustion devices, containers, and cordages) and provides readers with step-by-step instructions on essential skills such as making tools and gear, collecting and cooking food, and protecting oneself from the elements.

“The Prepper’s Water Survival Guide: Harvest, Treat, and Store Your Most Vital Resource” by Daisy Luther

  • Water is arguably the most critical survival resource. Within days, a lack of clean water can become life-threatening. In her book, Daisy Luther provides a straightforward guide to finding, purifying, and storing water in emergency situations. Given the myriad of diseases and issues that can arise from contaminated water, having a manual that delves into this topic in-depth is indispensable.

Survival, at its core, is about being prepared. While gear and supplies are essential components, knowledge remains the most valuable asset in any emergency. These books provide a foundation upon which to build your skills and understand the intricacies of surviving in various conditions. As with any craft, it’s crucial to keep learning and updating your knowledge base, and these books offer an excellent starting point. Whether you’re just beginning your prepping journey or looking to sharpen your skills further, these reads are investments in your safety and future.

Photo by Tim Wildsmith on Unsplash

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